Iman and Siham Hashi, better known as FAARROW, are back with another look into their debut EP this Friday in a new song called "Shut Up." The new song follows the former refugees' defiant and autobiographical title-track "Lost " which was also produced and co-written by actor and music producer Elijah Kelley. Kelley's friend and former Hairspray co-star Zac Efron attended the session and can be heard on the resounding chorus of the song.

LISTEN: https://soundcloud.com/faarrow/shut-up/s-BeXgm

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The unapologetic confidence of "Shut Up" is "the perfect clap-back to haters and people that doubt you can accomplish your dreams." The Somali sisters tell Lenny Letter as part of their Music Mondays, "It came from a place of frustration. It's also a way of looking at and talking to yourself and shutting up your own inner doubt because we are our own worst critics sometimes."

FAARROW's 5-song EP Lost is available this Friday July 15th.


FAARROW is made up of sisters Iman and Siham Hashi who fused the meaning of their Arabic names Iman ("faith") and Siham ("arrow") to create their name.

Born in Mogadishu, Somalia, their mother was a diplomat whose work stationed the family in various countries, including Saudi Arabia and Germany. After the civil war broke out in Somalia in 1991, the family fled their homes to escape the conflict and relocated to Toronto as refugees. It was there that the sisters identified their musical ability but told no one for fear of the cultural taboo in their conservative, "traditional" household.

When the call of their dream became too loud to ignore, Siham and Iman packed up and moved to Atlanta. Within six months, they signed a deal with Universal Motown, becoming the first female artists of Somali-descent to sign a record deal with a major U.S. label. Iman and Siham would start fresh in Los Angeles with new music that evolved into a drum heavy fusion of world, hip-hop and pop music that is equal parts Spice Girls and The Fugees. FAAROW linked up with music producer and actor Elijah Kelley to work on a debut album for Warner Bros. Records.


When not recording, the social-media savvy sisters are consumed by philanthropic endeavors including their non-profit organization Somalia Lives Again. They have also raised proceeds for humanitarian work through their Wish Creatively initiative, which sells custom, handmade jewelry. Additionally, the band has performed at the World Refugee Day in Tunisia, as well as the UNHCR's Nansen Awards. Iman and Siham serve as spokespersons for the U.N. Refugee Agency where they remain actively involved with humanitarian efforts.




Official: http://www.faarrow.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/faarrow

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/faarrow

Twitter: https://twitter.com/faarrow


For tools on FAARROW, visit http://press.wbr.com/faarrow
